Thursday 21 February 2013

Brief and Proposal

Title: Light and illusion

Candidate Number: 6034

Candidate name: Adam Borowski

Theme: Light and Illusion

Aims of the project:
In this project, I want to explore and show different perspectives our eyes receive from lights within closed and outdoor areas. My research starts off in Picadilly Circus in the area of Trocadero. Trocadero is a place inside the building that is filled with shops and arcades and the main thing that makes this place so incredible is light. I visited this place several times and got many ideas in how I could go off and in-cooperate light into further research as well as a possible final outcome.

The aim of this project is to show how something stationary (in my situation light) can create a feel of movement in our heads without having to actually move. It will be dilemmas such as walking out of a tube station and waiting for our eyes to adjust, or feeling dizzy from constant contact with light.

The client I want to create a final outcome for is Chestnut Grove. I want to create an installation that will be photographed and later used to create a series of photoshop pannels showing off the illusions of light fromPiccadilly Circus and Balham.
Primary sources and secondary sources:
My primary sources will be collected using mainly photography; however I will collect items while photographing such as electronics, items that create reflections or give out light. As well as that, I will have drawings, paintings and sketches that show the contrast of lights within a space. My secondary sources will be images from the Internet and books about light as well as information on how light can affect us and how it was shown in various installations.

Ideas and responses:
I will gather photographs in Picadilly Circus and Balham and start to respond to them using chalk showing contrast in tones as well as how the light creates the atmosphere of an area. This will respond to the artists Dan Flavin and Bruce Nauman who both look at how a light effects people and space.

Critical and contextual References and influences:
My biggest influences are the artists Dan Flaving, Bruce Nauman as well as James Whistler who focus around light at different times of the day. They will link to my light reasearch from London and I will develop responces from the reaearch by using influences from the artists.

Intended techniques, media, processes and timescales:
The main tool of recording in this project will be photographs. The responses will be created using a variety of media such as chalk, pencils, glow sticks, CAD, paints, Collage and Sculpture

Some of my weaknesses are:
- Painting

Intended final outcome/s:
I want my outcome to be an installation that will make people want to experience it's content from different sides and angles. I will know that the installation was a success if people are confused by the sculpture and want to try and figure things out by moving around the installation. To achieve this result, I want to use light as the main source as well as filters such as transparent color paper which will cause the light to turn to different colors. Perhaps turning it into a 3D installation while still maintaining the idea of using multiple materials to achieve different effects while using lights.

1 comment:

  1. You have made your area of interest clear and you have a very interesting and exciting theme for your synoptic project. I am interested to know how you aim to develop your work from the photographic and drawing responses into an installation piece though. -This is something that needs consideration!
    There is a lot of potential with this idea and many pathways that could be developed, I am looking forward to seeing this concept develop.

    I would like you to extend the brief a little more- identifying the client and analysing the purpose, constraints and potential of your proposal.
